I have been working on a collection of fourteen Roman copper alloy fragments. A few of them are labeled as 'bronze', but without analyzing the composition of metal, its better just to call them copper alloy. Some of the fourteen pieces are bracelets, but there are also bits of metal strips, a piece of a belt buckle, a nail cleaner, and a wire. The museum had recently noticed the formation of pale green corrosion, and wanted them to be assessed and treated as necessary.
Most of the pieces have beautiful, smooth patinas. A patina is smooth and protective, a form of desirable corrosion. The patinas ranged from dark green to brown. These, though corrosion, will not be touched. Active corrosion, on the other hand, is damaging and usually needs to be removed. Ten of the fourteen had pale green spots of corrosion on them. On half of those, the spots were microscopic. However, five of the fragments had more corrosion. The surfaces were pitted, and a few pieces had pustules, or bumps. Because it is a recent and active corrosion that is detracting from the appearance of the fragments, I will probably end up removing it.
While looking at the pieces under a microscope for corrosion, I found a mass of fibers on one of the fragments. This fragment has a dark green patina with light brown corrosion products inside the incisions that formed the design. On one end on the interior, there is a red-brown area with fibers. The fibers were adhered well to the surface and appeared to be the same color as the corrosion around them.
I took a sample from
the mass and put it on a microscope slide. I first tried to use tweezers to
grab a single fiber, but it did not come away. I then used a porcupine quill to
gently poke and flick at part of the mass. Unfortunately, the cohesive properties
within the mass were greater than the adhesive properties of the mass attached
to the metal. This means that the mass wanted to stay together more than it wanted to stay on the metal surface. A large chunk came off. I put a cover slip over the slide and
placed it under the microscope with transmitted light.
Most of the fibres were long with distinct twists. One of these had a knot on on end. Others were flat with a lot of ridges and bumps along their length. A few were almost completely smooth with just a few bumps along their length and no twisting visible.
The second and third images are composite images to show the fiber and its structure in focus.
The mass itself is not orderly, so
I do not think this is a textile. Therefore, this could be a mixture of fibers.
All of them look relatively new and do not seem to be mineralized. Mineralization is when the corrosion from the metal coats or completely replaces the organic fiber as it decays. When completely mineralized, none of the materials from the fiber remains; it has been replaced with metal. The fibers
were fairly clean of corrosion material, once they had been extracted from the
mass. They did not seem to be coated with corrosion products, nor were they
colored with corrosion products.
The structures were still visible and did not
seem damaged, with the exception of the flattened, ridged fibers. Perhaps they were accidentally attached during some process in the museum fairly recently, and just
loosely embedded in the corrosion products forming on the fragment. For instance, some cotton wool could have snagged on the rough corrosion when it was being cleaned, and the conservator did not notice. Or it could come from a cloth or cotton when it was packaged. Nesting in packing material, it could have had a piece adhere that was not noticed when it was removed and rehoused. This would
also help explain why they came off so easily when force was applied between
the metal and the fibers.
The long, twisted
fibres seem to be cotton. One of them has a bit of a knot in it, and they
all appear to be S-spun (twisted clockwise). This spin is very evident in longer pieces, such as the first image above. I compared my fibers to reference slides in the lab, and decided it was probably cotton. The flat, rough fibers, such as the fourth image, may
be flattened or degraded cotton fibers. Cotton once flattened will not have the
same twisted structure as undamaged cotton.
On the other hand, the smooth,
straight fiber seems to be an entirely different vegetal fiber. Unfortunately, many of the vegetal reference slides are missing from the
microscope room. Bast fibers, such as flax, jute, or hemp, usually are fairly
straight and fairly smooth with straight or crossed (X) ridges at joints. Twists are not
readily seen. Although I could not identify which one the fibers are, they are
probably flax, jute, or some other variety of bast. The mass, therefore,
is a disorderly mix of cotton and bast fibers.
(Diagrams: Canadian Conservation Institute)
This is not a
textile, and they are not mineralized. I think the most logical explanation is
that this is from a rag or cotton swab used to clean the fragment in the
museum, or if it was packaged with cotton. Part of it caught on the rough
corroded surface and was not noticed or removed. If this is indeed the case,
then I probably should remove these fibers. They are not original, nor do they
add insight to the fragment's history. They were just accidentally attached due
to cleaning or packaging in the museum.
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